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Global Top 40 ranked provider of Agile Human Capital Solutions

Our wholly owned and integrated office structure, in synergy with our international affiliate network, gives our clients access to 380+ consultants across 76 offices located in 47 countries, offering an impressive depth and breadth of industry experience, and access to a global pool of extraordinary talent.

Why work with SpenglerFox?

When working with us, our clients are assured of an integrated, trusted, and hands-on partner who is agile, flexible, able to look at and doing things differently, yet working seamlessly across borders and bringing global insights to solve local problems. This way our clients can stay ahead of the challenges they face as a business and improve their competitive advantage in a rapidly changing business landscape. In short, we are The Agilists.

To find out more about us and how the spirit of The Agilist drives our philosophy towards our clients, take a minute and watch the short video.

We offer a wide range of agile human capital solutions to help our clients build strong and resilient organisations.

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Our global reach ensures that we can support clients in established and emerging markets

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Our team comprises individuals from diverse personal and professional backgrounds with a wide experience of different industry sectors.

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