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Our Values and Mission


The SpenglerFox Group Values

Our values are the foundations on which our organisation is built. Our problem-solving approach ensures that we deliver solutions that empower our clients’ organisations in challenging business environments. Our values translate into our commitment to using our collective resources, insights and experiences, to truly engage with the needs of our communities.

Agile: We quickly adjust to the demands and dynamics of the fast-changing markets.

Authentic: We believe in what we do and act with genuine care about people we work with.

Accountable: We honour commitments and fulfil expectations in our community.

Anticipatory: Our enterprising style and innovative business intelligence enables us in supporting our clients and candidates to stay ahead of the curve.

Allied: We unite globally in our purpose to deliver excellence all across our network.

Our Mission Statement

We grow your talent, so you can grow your business.

Talent is never static. Talented people continuously develop and learn – it is part of the growth process and never stops. By developing our talent, we grow. By growing, we prosper.

At SpenglerFox, we work closely with clients around the globe, accompanying them on their journey through an ever-changing economic environment as, together, we clarify their challenges and discover, develop, and deploy the talent they need to meet them. To do that, we work as a trusted independent partner with a clear, strategic vision of your internal, local, and global challenges.

Exceeding your expectations, delivering on our promise.

Working with SpenglerFox as a business partner, means that our clients enjoy all the services we offer, wherever they need us, with the quality and care that have become synonymous with the SpenglerFox brand.

We are a truly global, borderless business that spans across the Americas, Europe, Middle East, Africa and AsiaPac. Our clients across the globe benefit from a full range of seamlessly managed human capital solutions and a global community of extraordinary talent.

We have a duty of care which is at the heart of everything we do.

To ensure that we are giving the required level of support to everyone who engages with us, we keep in constant touch with our local relationships, evaluating them through a 360° feedback process.

Care is also a global imperative. Our international team work tirelessly to improve the experience for everyone in our community who engages with us at any level, wherever they may be.

Nor does our commitment to candidates end once we have placed them in a new position. We stay in touch. The journey that we have been on together is one that we want to continue. Because we are in this together.
