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Short-term hiring surge? You need an RPO solution

5 Jan

Short-term hiring surge? You need an RPO solution

Since Recruitment Process Outsourcing was added to our suite of human capital solutions, and especially over the last quarter of 2021, we have seen an exponential increase in demand for this service from many of our traditional clients, and some new ones.

What is behind this? 

The reason behind this is an unparalleled hiring surge that a lot of companies are experiencing. Based on our recent experience, we see that the talent market is going through a realignment of expectations between employers and employees.

With the enablement of digital technology, a large number of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) are adopting applicant tracking systems and/or a talent connection through social media. There is often the perception amongst some hiring managers that talent pools are limitless.  In addition, many companies have adopted a digitization strategy and transforming themselves in the new digital era to deliver services instantly, anywhere, with a great customer experience, and this has contributed to the additional pressure being out on an already limited number of resources, and a talent pool which is certainly no longer limitless.

As a consequence of this “great recovery”, as it is commonly referred to nowadays, the resultant surge in the need for talent, and the fact that this “right-sizing” is probably short term of nature, many companies have considered Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) to address their short to medium term needs. What is interesting however is the fact that many of our clients are opting for our Project RPO solution, rather than turning to the more traditional recruitment agencies offering classic RPO services.

The SpenglerFox Project RPO

What differentiates us is our strong value proposition relating to Project RPO and being a true business partner to our clients. It is a boutique type, specialised and tailored approach to customers’ needs, combined with our agility to get up and running in a short period of time. Having our foundations in the Executive Search business, our sourcing innovation and ability to identify niche talent is impeccable, which is what our customers value, and cited as the main reason why they reach out to us.

What we have learnt from our clients over the past six months, is that whenever they plan to grow, they need to do so in the shortest possible timeframe. Often this is due to an aggressive go-to-market plan backed by new investors, a change in legislation that opens up new market opportunities, or a transformation due to a change of business strategy. These events in the life of an enterprise require agility, and that is why our Project RPO solution is in such high demand.

Where we stand out amongst our competitors, is the fact that we approach each such case individually and build the full solution around the specific needs of the client. Our Project RPO solution is not just about raw recruiting itself, it is also about providing professional advice from a professional recruiting firm that does this for living. This is backed up by a team of professionals who came from the business side and who understand the complexities of streamlining recruiting service across multiple businesses and geographies, improving speed, quality, satisfaction, and optimising costs.

For more information about our Recruitment Process Outsourcing solutions, please feel free to get in touch with us.


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