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SpenglerFox appoints Jacques J de Jager as Head of PR and Corporate Communications

Author: Jacques de Jager Category: Service: Media:
23 Jul

SpenglerFox appoints Jacques J de Jager as Head of PR and Corporate Communications

SpenglerFox is delighted to announce that Jacques has rejoined the firm as of July 21st 2020. In his new role, he will be responsible for driving our PR and branding agenda across the group.

“I am really happy to welcome Jacques back to the firm. His deep understanding of our business and long professional background adds tremendous value as we and our clients are reshaping the world in which we work”, said Jens Friedrich, Chief Executive Officer

Jacques is senior Board-level Interim Management and Executive Search professional with 15 years’ experience supporting clients in the Industrial, Professional & Financial Services, Life Sciences, Retail, Technology and Business Services sectors with complex talent solutions. During that period, he spent 9 years with us between 2006 and 2015 and played a key role in developing our Banking & Finance and later the Board Solutions practice groups. Prior to this he spent 25 years in the banking industry with extensive coverage of Africa. His international career of 40+ years, most of which in leadership roles, makes him a valued talent advisor to CEOs who manage complex multinational businesses.

“Today marks the beginning of a new journey on a familiar road for me. In my heart I guess I never left the SpenglerFox family so it’s great to be back and be a part of a company and a remarkable team of global professionals helping to reshape the world around us” , said Jacques

Jacques de Jager

Head of PR & Corporate Communications


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