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SpenglerFox appoints Lone W. Rørvig as Senior Principal

Author: Lone Rørvig Category: Media:
4 Sep

SpenglerFox appoints Lone W. Rørvig as Senior Principal


SpenglerFox is delighted to announce that Lone W. Rørvig has re-joined the SpenglerFox family. Lone is based in Denmark and a member of our EMEA-wide Life Sciences Practice 

“We are thrilled that Lone is re-joining our growing team of senior professionals. Her vast experience and seniority will bring tremendous added value to our clients across EMEA. Her return, as well as others who re-joined our business over the recent past, also demonstrates the stickiness and inherent value of the SpenglerFox brand, which is increasingly being recognized as a major contributor to our success”, said Jens Friedrich, CEO of SpenglerFox 

Lone has a professional background of more than 20 years’, during which time she held senior commercial roles within the Life Sciences business sector internationally. She worked with multinational pharma and medical device companies in Denmark, and across the Middle East & Africa region. In this capacity Lone has managed organizational restructuring and M&A integrations, maintaining a strong team spirit and increasing sales and profitability. 

After a career within the industry, Lone switched to Executive Search and joined our team in Dubai in 2012. After 10 exciting years abroad she returned to Denmark and in 2018 joined Mangaard & Partners, a SpenglerFox affiliate with focus on the Nordic region, and re-joined SpenglerFox in September 2020.  

“I am so excited to take up my cooperation with SpenglerFox again – I highly appreciate the professional, smooth and agile approach that SpenglerFox stands for and I am looking forward to support our clients and candidates within this framework”, said Lone. 

Lone is a Certified Nurse from the Copenhagen University Hospital, Denmark, and holds a business degree in Organization and Management from Copenhagen Business School, Denmark. She is also certified in the Saville Wave Personality Test Assessment. 

Lone Rørvig

Senior Principal


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