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SpenglerFox Vision 2025

Author: Jens Friedrich Categories:
21 Jun

SpenglerFox Vision 2025

By 2025, SpenglerFox and our worldwide affiliate network will be recognised amongst and recognized as a top 40 global provider of agile human capital solutions spanning the Americas, Europe, Middle East, Africa, and AsiaPac.

Our vision has implications on three principal areas of our company: Our people strategy, our brand strategy, and our business strategy.

Our people define who we are, and how we interact with the people we serve. The SpenglerFox brand is our gold standard and the yardstick with which we measure our value. And our business is the channel through which we deliver tangible value to our community of employees, clients, and candidates.

People Strategy

Our people strategy is a commitment to continuously invest in our employees, harnessing the power of our culture, and secure a sustainable growth path to make SpenglerFox an employer of choice for current and future employees.

Brand Strategy

Our brand strategy is to ramp up our PR and brand building activities via targeted marketing campaigns, with specific intent to strengthen our brand in markets where we are not as well known or recognised as in our traditional markets, so that by 2025 the SpenglerFox brand will be known and recognised as a global top 40 brand.

Business Strategy

Our business strategy over the next three years will evolve around the consolidation of our existing services portfolio, the optimisation of all our finance and administrative processes, the strengthening of our presence across EMEA, and the expansion of our global affiliate network. We want SpenglerFox to be a digitally enabled business, automate as many processes as we can, and focus on delivering our services quickly, efficiently, and digitally.


Jens Friedrich

Chief Executive Officer


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