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Antonio Catena

Affiliate Partner, Mexico

  • Experience

    Antonio Catena is Partner Country Manager at Ackermann International, a SpenglerFox Affiliate, responsible for the Latam Operation and based in Mexico City.

    Antonio is an experienced Country Manager with a proven history of work in the Human Resources industry. He is a professional entrepreneur, expert in Negotiating, Outplacement, Business Planning, Entrepreneurship and Business Development, and has been assigned the main role to represent his business in Mexico.

    Antonio has a solid career path of more than 15 years of experience in Executive Search, national but also in an international level, in the area of searching directors and middle management positions. Since 2008 he leads operations in Ackermann International Mexico. Since then the brand has been positioned as of one of the leaders in the Executive Search and Human Resources Consulting sectors.

    He has worked for different sectors, but currently he has positioned himself in Mexico as an expert in the areas of IT, Telecom, Energy, Engineering and Construction.

  • Qualifications

    He has a bachelor’s degree in Psychology at the Universidad Computense de Madrid España and a Master’s degree in Executive Management at IPADE


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