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Bastiaan Fontein

Affiliate Partner, Netherlands

  • Current Role

    Bastiaan is a SpenglerFox Affiliate based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

  • Experience

    Bastiaan has 30 years’ experience in executive search servicing PE-backed and privately owned enterprises as well as public companies in a broad range of industries.

    Bastiaan’s early career was spent in corporate finance with NIBC Bank and he began his search career in 1990 as a consultant with a leading UK based recruitment firm, placing qualified accountants and tax specialists from public practice into commerce and industry. In 1994, Bastiaan joined a NYSE listed staffing group and established their Dutch branch office. In 1999, he founded FinanStaff, which he has been running since, and joins our team from 2021.

  • Qualifications

    Bastiaan holds an MBA from ICBA (later known as Henley Management College Netherlands)