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Daniela Nedvědová

Senior Principal

Czech Republic
  • Current Role

    Daniela is a Senior Principal at SpenglerFox based in Prague, Czech Republic, and is a member of our global Consumer and Industrial Practices.

  • Experience

    Daniela joined SpenglerFox in January 2021. She previously worked as Senior Consultant at SpenglerFox between 2008 and 2012. Before re-joining the SpenglerFox team, Daniela worked as Senior Consultant at Pedersen & Partners, where she specialised mainly in the manufacturing, automotive and retail sectors. Prior to building a career in Executive Search, Daniela worked as a Country Manager at Berlitz Schools of Languages. During her career in Berlitz, she helped to design internal recruitment and selection procedures as well as to implement competency models and employee evaluation systems.

  • Qualifications

    Daniela holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Economic Policy & Administration from the University of Pardubice, Czech Republic. She is a native Czech speaker, is fluent in English and communicates in German.


Consumer Industrial


English German Czech

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