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Gemma Ramírez Mirada

Affiliate Partner, Spain

  • Current Role

    GEMMA RAMREZ is Partner-Director at Ackermann International Barcelona and has more than 25 years of experience in Executive Search, where she has led numerous recruitment, leadership development and accompaniment projects, both Top Management and Middle Management for national and international companies in Spain, Portugal and Latin America, among other countries. She brings in-depth knowledge of the several functional areas such as Sales, Marketing, Trade, Customer Experience, Online & Digital Transformation, Operations, Supply Chain, Human Resources and General Management.

  • Qualifications

    Gemma holds a Degree in Tourism Business Administration and Management from C.E.T.T. University in Barcelona, Spain. She also has a Degree in Human Resources Management from the EMI Foundation in Barcelona, Spain and she is Certified in Hogan Assessment for Diagnostics, Leadership Development and Executive Coaching, Madrid, Spain.


English Spanish

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