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Jacques de Jager

Head of PR & Corporate Communications

  • Current Role

    Jacques currently serves as Head of PR and Executive Interim Solutions Client Partner CEE. He is based in Budapest from where he serves our clients across the region. Earlier he was also pivotal in the establishment of our Board Solutions, an area which he will continue to support and further develop. In his PR role he will be responsible for our social media branding and support the business in all of its brand building activities.

  • Experience

    Jacques is a senior professional with 40 years’ of experience across Africa and Europe, the last 15 years of which he spent in executive search. He was with our firm between 2006 and 2015 and rejoined us in July 2020.
    Prior to joining the executive search industry he spent his career in the banking sector with extensive coverage across Africa. Jacques is now based in Budapest from where he serves our corporate clients across Central Europe.

  • Qualifications

    Jacques holds diplomas in Business Management, Financial Management and International Financial Management from Damelin Management School in Johannesburg, South Africa.


English Hungarian Afrikaans

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