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Jatin Joy Giri

Principal, Head of Delivery Operations

United Arab Emirates
  • Current Role

    Jatin is a Principal and Head of Delivery Operations at SpenglerFox based in Dubai, UAE, and a is member of our global Industrial Practice.

  • Experience

    Jatin has worked in the Executive Search industry since December 2010. Prior to becoming a member of the SpenglerFox team in 2010, Jatin worked as a Senior Process Trainer with IBM Daksh Business Process Services Pvt Ltd in Gurgaon, India and was also a part of the pre-opening Team at the Trident Hilton in Gurgaon, India.

  • Qualifications

    Jatin holds a Bachelor of Arts in International Hospitality from Queen Margaret University in Scotland, UK, a Diploma in Hotel and Catering Management from the Institute of Advance Management in Kolkata, India and a Diploma in Hospitality Management from the American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute in Florida, USA.


English Nepali Hindi

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