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John Vijayarangam

Affiliate Partner, Indonesia

  • Experience

    John is currently Director & CEO at PT Potentia HR Consulting, a SpenglerFox Affiliate, and is responsible for overall HR Consulting, Executive Search and management of the team in Indonesia. John is based in Jakarta Indonesia.

    John has over 35 years of experience in Human Resources in the Asia Pacific with work experience in Indonesia (20 years), Australia, India and in the Asia Pacific. His areas of expertise for Executive Search includes Senior Executives / BOD level / Senior Manager Levels for: Mining & Minerals / Manufacturing / FMCG / Human Resources / Finance / Services Sector with the main focus of search in Indonesia / Asia Pacific for both Expats & Local Indonesian Senior Management.

    John has held positions such as General Manager & HR Director for Coats Ltd (British Multinational in Indonesia 2002-2005 / called Madura Coats in India), Senior Vice President, Asia Pacific, Indorama Indonesia (1994-2010). He has also worked with MRF Ltd (Corporate HR Manager), Bank of America, and Best & Crompton, India

  • Qualifications

    John holds a post-graduate Honours Degree in Management from XLRI, Jamshedpur, an Advanced HR Diploma from IIM Ahmedabad along with a Master of Business by Research (Competency Based HR Systems) from Monash University, Australia.

    He was visiting faculty and taught HR as visiting faculty at Postgraduate level in several universities across the Asia Pacific including Monash University, Swinburne University and RMIT, Australia. In Indonesia he was visiting faculty to the Swiss German University and IPMI Indonesia and in India with leading MNCs / Institutes (LIBA and Madras School of Social Work) for Postgraduate levels in Human Resources.

