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Jorge Loeches

Affiliate Partner, Spain

  • Current Role

    Since 2021 he leads operations in Ackermann International Spain as General Manager for the offices of Madrid and Barcelona as well as for the different business units: Executive Search, Middle Management, Consultancy and RPOs & Market Intelligence.

  • Experience

    Jorge is an experienced Country Manager with a proven work history in the human resources industry. Entrepreneur professional, expert in executive search, talent pipeline, business planning and business development. He has a solid path career of more than 20 years of experience at international level in Executive Search and HR Consultancy.

    Previously he worked as General Manager of Ackermann International Perú, starting the operations in this country and developing business in the rest of the Latin American region.

    He has worked for different sectors, having acquired a deep knowledge of verticals such as TMT, Life Sciences and Engineering & Construction. Particularly, for several years he held the role of Leader of the Industrial Sector in the firm.

  • Qualifications

    Jorge has a Bachelor Degree in Psychology at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, a Master Degree in Human Resources and Organization at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and a Master degree in Executive Management (PDG) at IESE.




English Spanish

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