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Lea Schlöder

Assistant, CEO Office

  • Current Role

    Lea Schlöder serves as Assistant to the CEO and Office Manager responsible for supporting the Western Europe Region. Lea works out of SpenglerFox’ office in Eschborn, Germany

  • Experience

    Lea re-joined SpenglerFox in June 2021. Lea worked for SpenglerFox between 2012 and 2015, initially as Office Manager & Executive Assistant to the COO, after which she joined the Research team. Prior to re-joining the SpenglerFox family, Lea worked part-time at a FinTech start-up in a variety of roles including Office Manager, Recruiter and later as Head of HR.

  • Qualifications

    Lea holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Business Administration from the Provadis Schools of International Management and Technology


English German

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