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Lone Rørvig

Senior Principal

  • Current Role

    Lone Rørvig is a Senior Principal at SpenglerFox based in Denmark, and is a member of our global Life Sciences Practice.

  • Experience

    Lone has a professional background of more than 20 years, during which time she held senior commercial roles within the Life Sciences business sector internationally. She worked with multinational pharma and medical device companies in Denmark, and across the Middle East & Africa region. In this capacity Lone has managed organisational restructuring and M&A integrations, maintaining a strong team spirit and increasing sales and profitability.

    After a career within the industry, Lone switched to Executive Search and joined our team in Dubai in 2012. After 10 exciting years abroad she returned to Denmark and in 2018 joined Mangaard & Partners, a SpenglerFox affiliate with focus on the Nordic region, and re-joined SpenglerFox in September 2020.

  • Qualifications

    Lone is a certified nurse from the Copenhagen University Hospital, Denmark and has added a business degree in Organisation and Management from Copenhagen Business School, Denmark. She is also certified in the Saville Wave Personality Test.


Life Sciences


English German French Danish

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