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Lukas Nosek

Head of Industrial

United Arab Emirates
  • Current Role

    Lukas is Head of Industrial at SpenglerFox and based in Dubai, UAE.

  • Experience

    Lukas joined SpenglerFox in 2005. Prior to becoming a member of the SpenglerFox team, Lukas worked as a senior consultant at Hudson Global Resources in Central and Eastern Europe.

    During his career at Spenglerfox, Lukas has been working with both multinational companies as well as local family groups focusing on a large variety of mid to senior level roles.

    His specialization includes, but is not limited to, automation (industrial and process), robotics, industrial AI, chemicals and petrochemicals, as well as oil & gas.

  • Qualifications

    Lukas holds Master’s Degree in Engineering (Building and Civil) from CVUT in Prague and is fluent in English and Czech.




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