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Malgorzata Kosior

Client Partner

  • Current Role

    Małgorzata is a Client Partner at Spengler Fox, based in Warsaw, Poland, and is a member of our global Life Sciences, Consumer & Industrial Practices. She is also currently heading our Polish office.

  • Experience

    With a career spanning back to 2007, Małgorzata has delivered over 300 senior executive search, interim, and consultancy mandates across all PGs. Her expertise spans various sectors including Life Sciences, FMCG, Finance, and Industrial sectors. Her career has evolved from a Research Consultant to the role of Global Head of Research, culminating in her current position as Client Partner, CEE.

    Before joining SpenglerFox in 2008, she honed her skills as a Research Consultant for Human Zone Executive Search, where she gained valuable experience in identifying top talents that she continues to utilize today.

  • Qualifications

    Małgorzata holds a Master’s in Finance & Banking from Leon Koźminski Academy of Entrepreneurships & Management in Warsaw, Poland.


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