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Martin Göttelmann

Head of Digital Innovation

  • Current Role

    Martin is Head of Digital Innovation and is responsible for the technical and strategic development of business processes in order to make tasks faster and more efficient. Additionally, he is conducting market screening and research for new business opportunities with a focus on new technologies. Martin works out of SpenglerFox’s office in Eschborn, Germany.


  • Experience

    Martin joined SpenglerFox in 2019 and has worked in the Executive Search industry since 2016. Prior to this he was self-employed as a manufacturer for bittersweet lemonades, selling his products to large retail chains in Germany. In addition to his core industry experience in consumer goods, Martin also has experience in digitalization, as he was working as a Venture Building Consultant in 2018.

    During his time at SpenglerFox Martin’s biggest career challenge has been the automation and digitalization of business processes. Martin is inspired by finding new strategic ways to make SpenglerFox as a whole company even more successful.

  • Qualifications

    Martin holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany.


English German

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