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Michal Vajskebr

Chief Commercial Officer

United Kingdom Czech Republic
  • Current Role

    Michal currently serves as Chief Commercial Officer and Head of Consumer for SpenglerFox. He is responsible for managing the group’s commercial performance, its revenues and profits and looking after the practice group teams. His core mission is to make sure that commercial & marketing activities are aligned & centralised.

    In his current role he is responsible for driving business development and account management areas, making sure that SpenglerFox international footprint from LatAm to APAC is fully leveraged & that the services SpenglerFox operates in are well deployed, namely Leadership, Interim and Talent Management areas covering also RPO. Michal works out of SpenglerFox’ office in Prague, Czech Republic.

  • Experience

    Michal has worked in the Executive Search since March 2004 and in the broader talent management since 2000. In addition to his core experience in Consumer industries he has been mostly focused on other strong SpenglerFox’s areas such as Industrial and Life Sciences. Prior to joining the SpenglerFox team in 2005, Michal has worked in cross cultural management assisting international corporations expanding into new markets.

  • Qualifications

    Michal holds a Master of Arts in English, Psychology and Geography from the JA Purkyne University in Ústi nad Labem, Czech Republic.




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