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Patrycja Kołaczyk


  • Current Role

    Patrycja is a Principal at SpenglerFox based in Warsaw, Poland, and is a member of our global Consumer Practice.

  • Experience

    Patrycja joined SpenglerFox in 2008. Prior to becoming a member of the SpenglerFox team, Patrycja worked at CVO Group as Research Consultant working on executive projects in the IT sector. She works on Executive Search Assignments across multiple industry sectors, mainly focusing on Life Sciences, FMCG, Industry Manufacturing and Shared Services, covering the CEE region.

  • Qualifications

    Patrycja holds a master’s degree in Special Education from the Academy of Special Education in Warsaw, Poland, postgraduate studies in Warsaw School of Social Sciences and Humanities, and completed Trainers School in Psychological Support and Education Center in Warsaw.


English Polish

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