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Péter Kristian Szabó

Principal, Head of Delivery Technology and Development

  • Current Role

    Peter is a Principal Principal and Head of Delivery Technology  & Development at SpenglerFox. He is based in Eschborn, Germany, and is a member of our global Industrial Practice.

  • Experience

    Peter has worked in the Executive Search industry since 2018. Prior to joining the team at SpenglerFox, Peter was completing his BSc and MSc studies whilst working at IKEA Aalborg in Denmark as a Sales Assistant. He has also been an active volunteer for a variety of Non-profit organizations such as the Youth Red Cross.

  • Qualifications

    Peter holds a Master of Science in Sports Policy, Management and International Development from the University of Edinburgh in Edinburgh, UK as well as a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics and Business Administration from the Aalborg University in Aalborg, Denmark. He is currently learning the German language.




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