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Rico Kaczmarek

Client Partner - Interim Management Solutions

  • Current Role

    Rico is a Client Partner at SpenglerFox based in München, Germany, and heads up our Interim Management Service Line.

  • Experience

    Rico started his professional working career in the hospitality sector, where he held several roles over 7 years at Kull & Weinzierl GmbH in Munich, followed by tourism management studies at Hochschule München.

    After his studies, Rico was appointed as project manager at OpusCapital where he ultimately led the hospitality sector of the company with main focus on concierge services, security and private transportation.

    In 2018, Rico joined the Scandinavian staffing agency Academic Work as Account Manager for Perm, Interim & Staffing, and was promoted to Senior Account Manager in 2020.

    In 2021, he was approached by K-Recruiting, a Pharma-, Med- and Bio Tech interim company, where Rico held the title as Key Account Manager until May 2023.

  • Qualifications

    Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences (Management, Tourismus und Reisedienste)


English German

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