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Thank you for reaching out to SpenglerFox. Your career is important to us and we would like to help.

We have joined forces with Not Actively Looking, a career portal for senior executives looking to share confidential information with top-level executive search firms. It allows you to keep us and any other search firms you may wish to share your information with, informed about your recent achievements, career aspirations, as well as salary expectations, locations, and type of company that you would consider for the next stage of your career.

Unlike some public networking sites, Not Actively Looking allows you to control what information is available, and which search firms have access to that information. Information shared via Not Actively Looking is not visible to your colleagues, customers or other third parties. It does however give you access to all the member firms on the portal, with whom you can connect at your own discretion, and thus increase your visibility amongst a much wider network of executive search consultants.

To register and upload your CV, simply click on the Upload My CV link above. Once you have registered, you will automatically connect with SpenglerFox, and you will be visible as a potential candidate to all our consultants worldwide. Our CRM system will ensure that your profile is shown to us as a potential candidate whenever you are matched with a current job opening we are working on.

SpenglerFox also offers a range of Career Transition Services for executives who may need some guided assistance. For more information on this, please visit our website or contact us for a confidential consultation.

Wishing you the very best of success with your career, and we do hope that it will be SpenglerFox who will assist you with your next career move.